Photos Part Deux
So, here qre the new photos. I may have to do this in two days since the connection is so slow, we'll see what happens. I recommend opening a new browser so you can view the photos and read the descripition at the same time from this blog. The numbers I list should correspond to the labels of each photo.
Open this site in a separate browser:
The descriptions:
I just realized I may have ommited some of the photos described here, just pay attention to the numbers...
364: The view inside a bush taxi, usually its a lot more crowded than this.
369: Pat (my roommate/friend/coworker in Bafoussam), Pats brothers, and me at the talent show.
382: Cameroonian singers at the talent show.
391: Cameroonian karate master in action!
400: Dancers
409: Stan (aged 79 and still livin like a 24 yr old) performs poetry at the talent show.
438: more beautiful sunsets at training
463: Host Papa, Diane wearing my bike helmet
465: One of the many puppies, this one can score goals too.
4 70: Me and host fam on our way to family appreciation dinner, my first occasion to wear the Booboo. You will see this booboo often. I really feel like I belong in a booboo.
487: Some cousin hiding from me
488: Little Alex after I gave him matchbox cars, he was sooo excited to have these toys. He stared at them for two days before he had the guts to actually play with them! I also gave him that hat.
489-493: Swearing-in ceremony photos. This was the culmination of training, aaaah at last.
508: This is a bad pic of me giving my speech in Ewondo. The person who took this didnt know how to use the zoom...It doesnt really show the crowd of people I was talking too, but you get the point.
515: Raise your right hand and repeat after me...
521: Me with host papa and mama at swearing in, our last day together.
524: Pat, Jen, host fams
533: A final dinner with all my friends at the White House in Yaounde, we left for post the following day...
535: The ride to Bafoussam, we rented a bush taxi all to ourselves, talk about comfort!
537: Some views from one of the west province villages. So green, so nice. This is the best province in Cameroon, now you know why!
538: This is the funeraille I talked about. Look at all the fancy material people wore.
539: Me, Pat, Leopold the chicken farmer, and the Artists, at the funeraille.
542: Guns were fired in celebration..BAAM!
544: Lots of dancing
545: Pat and I joined the dancing, can you see the only white guy in the crowd?
546: The woman in front of the line is holding a pic of the deceased woman.
548-551: People and stuff
556-561: Drumming and dancing
566: The kings who were present at the ceremony. If you want to talk to them, you have to bow, and clap your hands together 5 times or something. Once I figure it out, I will talk to them.
571: Even the kids came out!
573: The banquet dinner
575-576: Shots of my apartment living room. This place is a source of jealousy on behalf of many volunteers...the tile work is nice, so is the fireplace, so useful on the equator! Actually it can be quite cold, if we find some wood...or some trash maybe we'll try it out.
577-581: Balcony views of the apartment. These were taken on a sunday afternoon, there wasnt much traffic. But you get an idea of the stuff we spend hours watching from the balcony. Today I saw a man with a single small punpkin on his head. It was so strange, and funny.
That is all I have to share for now. I hope these photos help you understand all the crazyness that is Cameroon. I need to go now, I will update soon.
If you are thinking of visiting me, think no more, just do it!