Thursday, August 12, 2004

My new home

Not much internet time left, so this will be short.

I live in a beautiful apartment surrounded by crazyness. The apartment is large, well furnished, basically above and beyond your "typical" peace corps home. then there's bafoussam. I don't think this town is for everyone. It's big, dirty, agressive, and somehow I really like it. I could write a book about the things I see from the balcony of my apartment.

Bafoussam is the third largest city in Cameroon and home to the Bamilike people who are known for their entrpreneurial ways. EVERYTHING is for sale here. You could sit on my balcony, or in a bar, and eventually someone will come up to you with the item you are looking for, balanced on their head. I'm talking EVERYTHING. Its pretty fascinating to see. They have really cool clothes here too. The kind of clothes that would sell really well in the states at one of those vintage clothing stores. It would be a great business really. Buy the stuff dirt cheap here, sell it in the states for a fortune where it is considered "classic" and "retro". I didnt think I woul leave Cameroon looking "hip", but I just may.

There are some "fous" or "crazies" in this town. There's one guy who strolls around buck naked with a big grin on his face. I see him everywhere, unfortunately.

I had lunch with the "sheriff", that's what he calls himself. he's head of the police in town. He's got a big bushy mustache, and he loves Westerns.

The countryside outside of Bafoussam is absolutely gorgeous. Its very mountainous, lush, green, and peaceful. I have some friends posted in villages in the area, they will defnately be my escape from the madness of the city. Its really two different worlds.

The food is plentiful. This region is the bread basket for all of Cameroon. So many fruits, vegetables, fish, everything. I'm learning how to cook, which is good. I made great fish the other night.

Despite the excitement here, I still get homesick from time to time. I miss a lot of people, family and friends.

I start volunteering on monday at the NGO I'm working with. I'm very excited to learn more about the work I will be doing. I will keep you posted

OK, gotta go. Until next time...


At August 12, 2004 at 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Allen,
You don't know me but I just read up on your posts. I grew up in Cameroon, and it's been sweet to hear all your stories that bring all the wonderful memories back.
So thanks and have a great time in Bafoussam ...


At August 12, 2004 at 1:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al, You need to learn how to cook up some of the grubs. I'm really looking forward to a grub 'n guiness dinner!


At August 12, 2004 at 1:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Bon alors, d'après Yahoo, il fait nettement plus frais à Bafoussam qu'à Mbalmayo et surtout, il a l'air de pleuvoir tout le temps ou presque. Alors effectivement, ça doit être bien vert tout autour... Est-ce que la région est plutôt francophone ou plutôt "pidginophone"? As-tu une télé chez toi? Ta description de Bafoussam comme une grande ville sale et agressive (je ne suis pas sure de ce que tu veux dire par là...) m'a fait penser à Marseille. Est-ce que ça te parait correcte comme rapprochement ?
Nous sommes allés au zoo le week-end dernier et non, ils n'ont pas de tes poissons géants, c'en est d'autres qu'on trouve en Amérique du sud mais qui ressemblent quand même pas mal aux tiens.
Autrement nous fêtons l'anniversaire de Samuel vendredi soir à la maison et samedi à la piscine avec ses copains. On te racontera ça.
Bonne semaine, bon week-end et n'achète pas trop de cochonneries...

At August 14, 2004 at 10:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Al - I can't wait to meet the fous, they sound pretty cool! Lets invite them all to your apartment for some grub stew!


At August 22, 2004 at 1:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are the man the myth the legend. I miss you. It feels so cool to know someone who is doing so much to help this crazy world. Thanks for the posts.

At August 22, 2004 at 9:56 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Samuel veut t'écrire mais nous n'avons pas ta nouvelle adresse (postale).
Bonne semaine!

At August 23, 2004 at 12:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Al,

Just wanted to say hi!keep up the good work.


At August 23, 2004 at 12:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Uncle Al
You're sweet, you're PHAT, you're totally cool.
Love you.


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